Fashion Week MADNESS.

As lots of you know it was fashion week, my posts are all delayed as I headed back to reality on Tuesday and back to my usual 9-6 schedule. I do have some great things in store, lots of show snaps and goodies. 

I've also failed already at my healthy eating for this year New Years resolution with the move back to London looming we've spent every waking minute working or house hunting and eating a whole lotta pizza. Hopefully we will find somewhere soon so Emily and I can finally have a cactus shelf and pastel dining chairs. (We have a huge list of things for this future house/room/cardboard box) 
The posts of the collections are coming soon. Just catching up on sleep and detoxing from the large amounts of booze consumed.. Too many champagne breakfasts which were definitely 'fabulous' but probably quite terrible for my poor liver.
Met some great new people again this season (it's all about the networking ;)!) and spent it with the usual suspects. - CJ and Ram and even brought James to some of the events which was fun! Serious squad goals right there.. Just saying. 

So yeah, I am working on sorting out my Dropbox full of images to share with you and they'll be up soon! 


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